Requesting an update for a Report
The platform allows you to update the information in the reports. Below, we share with you the different ways to do it.
From company information:
The platform allows you to know in most of the occasions when was the last date of update of the firmographic information and when was the last update of financial statements.
When there is a recent update of the company, the platform will show the option "request report exists" or "request report with new financial statements". If the "Request report with new financial statements" option is selected, it will perform an information update with a new research process. If the exists is selected, it will show the available information without an update.
When there is no update older than 60 months, the platform will show the option to update by default. What you must select is if you want to do this research, revealing the name of your company or not.
If a report has already been requested previously, in the option to request reports two buttons will be activated, one that allows you to "Request update" and another one that allows you to visualize the report. Click on "Request update".
From report actions:
On the left side menu, click on the "Reports" section. There you will find a list of all the reports that have been requested. In the Actions column you will be able to identify if a report has been requested or if it is available, if it is available you will be able to request an update. Click and you will be able to request a new investigation.